Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters)

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  1. 北京邮电大学 党委办公室
  • 收稿日期:2000-03-07 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2000-05-30


ZHAO Qing Shan   

  1. The Committee of Communist Party of China; BUPT;
  • Received:2000-03-07 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-05-30

摘要: 世纪之交,青年学生思想教育工作出现了新的情况,面临新的挑战。米啊命令新的形式和任务,做好这项工作必须提高认识,扭转“一手硬,一手软”问题,加强理想信念教育,研究新情况,解决新问题,做到“六个结合”;处理好“四个关系”;做到“三个到位”。

关键词: 高等学校, 思想教育, 理想信念教育

Abstract: At the turn of the century, the developing circumstances have brought many new problems and a series of challenges to the ideological education of students. In the new situation, we must first heighen our awareness of the importance of the ideological education of students, change the passive tendency of neglecting ideological education and strengthen the political ideal and conviction education of students. The following measures must be taken: studying, analysing and solving new problems; combining ideolo...

Key words: institutionsofhighereducation, ideologicaleducation, politicalideal&, convictioneducation
