Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters)

• 网络文化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京邮电大学文法经济学院
  • 收稿日期:2005-02-02 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2005-07-30



  1. School ofHumanities, Law and Economics, BUPT
  • Received:2005-02-02 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2005-07-30

摘要: 本文根据网络游戏发展的现状与走向以及对我国经济格局的影响,从技术与文化的层面对其现象进行讨论,在此基础上提出自己的思考与建议。网络经济的发展不仅改变了旧的经济发展形式,也改变了经济格局的内涵;不仅加快了自身的发展速度,也创造出新的商业模式,带动了新的商机,在这新的经济发展模式下,新的技术格局正在重组,新的产业秩序正在形成,而其中网络游戏的发展已经出现了令人不得不刮目相看的形势。

关键词: 网络经济, 传统媒体, 网络游戏, 网络环境

Abstract: the basis of the development and trend of the network game and its effect on the national economic
structure, this article discusses this phenomenon from the angles of technology and culture•Cyber economy creates
new economic opportunities because it has changed notonlythe old economic pattern but also the connotation of the e-
conomic structure, and has not only speeded up its development but created the new economic pattern•Under the
guidance of the neweconomic pattern, the newtechnical structure is forming, and the newindustrial rule is alse form-
ing , so that the network game is becoming the role that no one can ignore•

Key words: cybereconomy, traditionalmedia, networkgame, cybercircumstance
