Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters)

• 法学辨析 • 上一篇    



  1. 重庆文理学院法律与政治系
  • 收稿日期:2006-10-28 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2007-04-10


WAN Zhi-peng   

  1. The Faculty of Law and Politics; Chongqing University of Arts and Science
  • Received:2006-10-28 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-04-10

摘要: 违法性意识反映了行为人对法秩序或法整体的人格态度。违法性意识在一般情况下是由社会危害性意识决定的,但特殊情况下是可能单独存在的。而且,在某些行政犯的场合,行为人缺乏违法性意识的可能性必然会造成社会危害性意识的缺失。在我国的犯罪构成主观要件中,社会危害性意识应在认识因素中占主导地位。违法性意识对认定故意犯罪具有补充价值,对认定过失犯罪没有影响。

关键词: 违法性意识, 社会危害性意识, 故意, 过失

Abstract: The actor s illegal consciousness reflects his attitude towards to the law order or the law order as a whole.In general cases,the illegal consciousness is decided by the consciousness of social dangers,but may exist alone under the special circumstances.In addition,the absence of the possibility of illegal consciousness will inevitably cause the absence of consciousness of social dangers on the occasion of some administrative cases.The consciousness of social dangers should occupy leading position in consci...

Key words: illegalconsciousness, consciousnessofsocialdanger, intention, negligence
