北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 1-9.doi: 10.19722/j.cnki.1008-7729.2021.0159

• 网络文化 •    下一篇



  1. 福州大学 法学院,福建 福州350116
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-04 出版日期:2021-10-30 发布日期:2021-11-11
  • 作者简介:林婧(1986—),女,福建福州人,法学博士,福州大学法学院讲师,中国政法大学博士后流动站研究人员
  • 基金资助:

China’s Response to International Cyber Security Standardization Competition

  • Received:2021-08-04 Online:2021-10-30 Published:2021-11-11

摘要: 标准化是实现全球互联互通以及网络空间安全治理的重要手段。随着网络安全标准化在国内与国际层面的双重推进,国际网络安全标准制定话语权逐渐成为各国竞争的对象。当前,中国已将“参与国际网络安全标准化”纳入国家战略,并实施“政府主导网络安全标准化”策略以提高参与竞争的能力。然而,中国在参与竞争的过程中仍面临着障碍:西方发达国家占据网络安全标准制定的主导地位,国际网络安全标准化机制过于依赖专家治理,以及我国在标准化进程中政府介入过多引发外界担忧。对此,中国的未来参与进路可采取措施有:推动形成国际网络安全标准化法律体系,拓展我国国际网络安全标准制定影响力的输出方式以及完善我国网络安全标准化的激励机制等。

关键词: 网络安全, 国际标准, 网络空间治理, 话语权, 国际竞争

Abstract: Standardization is an important means of global interconnection and cyberspace security governance. With the development of cyber security standardization at both domestic and international levels, the power to set international cyber security standards has gradually become the object of competition among countries. At present, China has incorporated “participation in international cyber security standardization” into its national strategy, and implemented the strategy of “government led cyber security standardization” to strengthen its competitiveness. However, China still faces obstacles in the process of competition: western developed countries occupy the dominant position in the formulation of cyber security standards, the international cyber security standardization mechanism excessively relies on expert governance, and our government excessively intervenes in “enterprise autonomy” in the process of standardization. In this regard, China’s future participation can take the measures including promoting the formation of the legal system of international cyber security standardization, expanding China’s influence on the formulation of international cyber security standards, and improving the incentive mechanism of China’s cyber security standardization.

Key words: cyber security, international standard, cyberspace governance, discourse power, international competition
