Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2010, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (6): 12-16.

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Internet Expression Spaces in the Concept of Sub-public Sphere


  1. The Marxism Teaching and Research Institution,Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
    Beijing 100876,China
  • Received:2010-09-29 Online:2010-12-30 Published:2010-12-30


This article attempts to establish a new concept of sub-public sphere, and explore the development of internet expression spaces MOP is taken as an example in the analysis With non-dialogic, aesthetic forms of political engagement such as internet jokes, spoofs and parodies, sub-public sphere shows its articulation of critical publicity against “official public spheres” and constitutes a resistant identity This article summaries this relationship as escaping, depending, criticizing and feeding back The article also discusses the political, economic and cultural meaning of sub-public sphere in modern China, and fully confirms the reform, marketing consciousness and pluralism shown in it

Key words: internet expression spaces, sub-public sphere, Habermas, MOP, cultural hegemony

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