Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters)

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  1. 北京邮电大学 文法经济学院
  • 收稿日期:2000-03-09 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2000-05-30

  • Received:2000-03-09 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-05-30

摘要: 传统的中国农民是靠土地生存的 ,土地不仅是农民的基本生活手段 ,更是农民财富和社会身份的象征。由于对土地的过分依恋造成农民的平均主义和保守主义倾向。新中国成立后 ,中国共产党的土地政策变化引发了土地与农民关系及其心态的变化。土地改革使农民真正实现了耕者有其田的梦想 ,尔后实行的集体化道路和农民的恋土情结发生了严重冲突 ,改革开放使农民再一次成为土地的主人。对于世纪末的农民而言 ,土地是必需的 ,但不是唯一的。土地情结由浓变淡是 2 0世纪农民观念的最大变化

关键词: 恋土情节, 土地改革, 集体化, 农村改革, 农民性格

Abstract: Traditionally, the Chinese parents live on the land. For farmers, the land is not only a basic means of survival, but also a symbol of wealth and social status. The over reliance on land has resulted in farmers propensity for egalitarianism and conservatism. After the founding of New China, the changes in the land policy of the Chinese Communist Party has led to the changes in farmers mood and their relationships with the land. Thanks to the land reform, farmers truly realized their dream of having their own land to till, However, since china began to carry out reform and open–door policy, the famers have become the masters of the land. For farmers in the end of the century, the land is essential to life, but not the only means of living. The weakening of the strong land complex stood as the biggest change in the outlook of the farmers in the twentieth century.

Key words: landcomplex, landcollectivization, ruralreform, famers, mindset
