Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters)

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  1. 北京邮电大学 语言学院
  • 收稿日期:2000-06-16 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2000-10-30


XU Jing   

  1. School of Languages; BUPT;
  • Received:2000-06-16 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-10-30

摘要: 本文首先介绍田纳西•威廉姆斯的文坛地位 ,然后从文化背景的角度分析并指出《玻璃动物园》里的阿曼达与《欲望号街车》的白兰奇是在美国没落的南方种植园文化下长大的两位美国南方妇女。她们的思想、性格及价值观在已崩溃的南方文化中铸成。当面临北方工业资产阶级文化的冲击时 ,她们仍执着于自己童年及少年时代的南方没落文化铸就的人生观及价值观 ,而不愿意在新的文化中委曲求全。她们在不同程度上都是南方旧文化的牺牲品.

关键词: 南方种植园文化, 北方工业资本主义, 时代错位, 美国文学研究

Abstract: This paper first introduces Tennessee Williams stature in American drama as a distinctive regional playwright steeped in the Southern writers absorption in the past. It then argues that Amanda in Glass Menagerie and Blanche in A streetcar Named Desire, regardless of their present existence in the modern South, both cling desperately to the dying antebellum Southern culture, particularly to its code of womanhood. With the frail hope of surviving in the present world, they gradually lose their tenuous hold on rea

Key words: theantebellumSouthernculture, northernindustrialism, anachronism, thestudyofAmericanliterature
