Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters)

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刘春惠; 李秀峰   

  1. 北京邮电大学 高等教育研究所
  • 收稿日期:2000-05-11 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2000-10-30


LIU Chun hui; LI Xiu feng   

  1. Institute of Higher Education; BUPT
  • Received:2000-05-11 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-10-30

摘要: 本文主要探讨了美国、德国、俄罗斯、日本等国家当前工科院校课程体系改革的两种趋势 :( 1)加强工程实践和设计教育 ;( 2 )重视人文与社会科学教育。通过对这些国家工科院校课程改革实践的研究与分析 ,进一步明确了国际高等工程教育改革与发展的方向。

关键词: 工科院校, 课程改革, 工程实践, 社会科学教育

Abstract: This paper mainly discusses two trends of the curriculum reform in universities of engineering in such countries as the United States,Germany,Russia and Japan:a. strengthening the practice in engineering and the education of design ability;b. paying great attention to the education of humanities & social sciences.The paper further makes clear the orientation of the reform and development of international higher education of engineering through the study and analysis of the practice in the curriculum reform in these countries.

Key words: universitiesofengineering, curriculumreform, practiceinengineering, educationofhumanities&, socialsciences
