Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English letters) ›› 2011, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1): 33-42.

• 互联网治理与法律 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1 工业和信息化部电信研究院 政策与经济研究所,北京100191;
    2 中国政法大学 民商经济法学院,北京100088;3 中国政法大学 国际法学院,北京100088
  • 收稿日期:2010-11-24 出版日期:2011-02-28 发布日期:2011-02-28

On the Censorship of CrossBorder Internet Services under GATS
——From the perspective of clarity of commitments and conflict of rules

  1. 1Institute of Policy & Economy, China Academy Telecommunication Research of MIIT, Beijing 100191, China;
    2School of Civil, Commercial & Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law,
    Beijing 100088, China;3School of International Law, China University of Political Science and Law,
    Beijing 100088,China
  • Received:2010-11-24 Online:2011-02-28 Published:2011-02-28


从世界贸易组织(WTO)成员国承诺认定和规则冲突出发,在服务贸易总协定(GATS)下分析互联网审查相关问题,提出互联网跨境服务审查需要遵循GATS规则中透明、例外等一般义务和市场准入、国民待遇等具体承诺;对审查分类需要综合考虑GATS规则中的约束条件;审查涉及的大多数新兴互联网服务,兼具WTO服务分类清单(W/120)及联合国临时产品总目录(CPC prov)中的在线信息、信息处理和内容三大类别的属性,其归类存在综合援引、定性为服务和跨境提供、基于技术中立、扩展修正等倾向;GATS透明义务要求审查适度公开,保证各方的知情权并提供救济渠道;过滤不当导致数额不定的数量配额及限制效果,审查与反审查可形成一种新的贸易壁垒;互联网主权应在GATS约束下得到尊重,审查管辖及相关措施可能与GATS冲突;自我审查存在一系列风险。

关键词: 互联网审查, 跨境贸易, 承诺减让表, 市场准入, 服务贸易总协定, 世界贸易组织


From the perspective of clarity of commitments and conflict of rules, both general obligations such as transparency and general exceptions and specific commitments of market access and national treatment should be followed for World Trade Organization (WTO) members who censor crossborder Internet servicesIt should take the rules of General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) into account to distinguish different methods of Internet censorshipThere are trends such as by comprehensive citing, on the basis of crossborder service supply as well as technological neutrality, and practical modifying and extending outdated documents, while corresponding between some in W/120 or CPC pro and censored Internet services which individually bear features of several subsectors in W/120, ie, online information and/or data processing (incltransaction processing) (843**), data processing services (843) and audiovisual servicesThe transparency obligation requires appropriate disclosure of censorship and approaches to remedyOverblock or inaccuracy of filtering may result in unfixed quota and restriction on Internet tradeThere is an emerging trade barrier created by censorship and anticensorshipEven constrained by GATS, the Internet sovereignty should be respected and protectedThe jurisdiction of crossborder Internet services, involving censorship, may conflict with GATSThere are risks in selfcensorship

Key words: Internet censorship, crossborder trade, schedule of specific commitments, market access;GATS, WTO
