北京邮电大学学报(社科版) ›› 2019, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 63-73.doi: 1019722/jcnki1008-772920190157

• 经济与管理 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 北京邮电大学 经济管理学院,北京100876
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-18 出版日期:2019-08-31

New Path of Internet Enterprise Value Creation: From Value Chain to Value Network#br# ——A Case Study of Xiaomi Company

  1. School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
  • Received:2019-04-18 Online:2019-08-31

摘要: 从价值链到价值网,反映了互联网企业价值创造的新发展。本文以小米公司为例,对互联网财务战略与经营战略的协同演化、价值创造路径及价值网构建进行了研究。小米公司总体战略包括移动互联生态圈、智能终端生态圈和互联网共享平台,其财务战略与经营战略高度配合总体战略:(1)移动互联生态圈。进行价值链重构,去掉生产环节和线下渠道,投资聚焦高附加值的研发环节、更经济的线上渠道和忠诚的客户社区建设;(2)智能终端生态圈。整合产业链,投融资协同建设多元企业生态链和线上线下相结合的新零售渠道;(3)互联网共享平台。投融资促进零售平台、IoT开发者平台和云平台等多平台共享。小米从内部价值链到外部价值链,从价值链到价值网的价值创造路径说明了核心企业的盈利能力和建立开放式价值网是价值网构建成功的重要保证。

关键词: 价值链, 价值网, 财务战略, 价值创造路径

Abstract: The transformation from value chain to value network reflects the new development of value creation of Internet enterprises By taking Xiaomi as an example, the synergistic evolution of its financial strategy and business strategy value creation path and value network construction are studied The overall strategies of Xiaomi include mobile interconnected ecosphere, intelligent terminal ecosphere and Internet sharing platform Xiaomi’ s financial strategy and business strategy are highly coordinated with the overall strategies: (1) under mobile interconnected ecosphere, Xiaomi reconstructed its value chain, removed production chain and offline channels, and invested in high value-added R&D process, more economical online channels and loyal customer community; (2) under intelligent terminal ecosphere, Xiaomi integrated industrial chains, and built multi-enterprise ecological chain and the new retailing channel both online and offline; (3) under Internet sharing platform, Xiaomi promoted multi-platform sharing of retailing platform, IoT Developer Platform and cloud platform and so on From the inside value chain to the outside value chain, from the value chain to the value network, the path of value creation of Xiaomi provides reference for other Internet enterprises

Key words: value chain, value network, financial strategy, the path of value creation
